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The Romney is one of the oldest known sheep breeds, having been developed over several centuries from European white-faced, long-tailed sheep and from Leicester sheep.

It is a hardy and adaptable lowland breed, particularly in its indigenous areas of the Romney Marsh and the lowlands of the south east coast of Kent and Sussex in England. The breed was originally known as Kent Sheep. It then spread all over the world and the name Romney came into general use.


The geographic and climatic conditions of the English lowlands led to the development of specific characteristics in the breed, which include black hooves resistant to footrot, resistance to internal parasites, excellent fertility and milking/mothering ability, fleeces that withstand high rainfall and a constitution that tolerates harsh, wet conditions. 


Romney provided the foundation for the English woollen industry because the long, dense fleece was highly prized.


Romney sheep were exported internationally early in the 19th Century when a shipment was sent to New Zealand. Today the breed is distributed throughout England, New Zealand, Australia, Patagonia, Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Falkland Islands and the United States.  Romneys have made an easy transition to New Zealand, where they became quickly established and still remain the predominant breed. 








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Arrival in Australia

The first confirmed introduction of Romneys into Australia was by William Deane in 1839, who brought eight with him, "for the express purpose of planting a Merino fleece on a Long woolled Kent sheep." In 1863 William Lyall also brought some back from England to his Westernport property, "Harewood", where they thrived like no other sheep could in the low-lying country bordering Westernport Bay.


By 1907 the Sydney based Australian Long wool Flock Book recorded details of seventeen flocks from all mainland states. Two flocks, those of the Yelland family of Newlyn, Victoria and Captain A.E.T Payne of Lilydale, both founded in 1906 were to have a significant and lasting effect on Australia's Romneys for the next fifty years. Captain Payne adhered to English bloodlines whereas the Yellands carefully selected from New Zealand studs, but both influenced flocks into the 1950's, 60's and 70's.


There were 100 flocks registered in 1935 and by 1948 there were 520 Romney flocks registered.


Sadly the breed declined and it is hard to understand why, for a breed that is a large framed meaty sheep, well covered with a strongish dense semi-lustrous fleece, with good mothering abilities and a constitution that tolerates harsh, wet conditions. Maybe it was the depressed wool prices of the late 20th century, or maybe it was the string of droughts that nullified their ability to tolerate harsh wet conditions. Today there are only nineteen flocks registered.


Description of a Romney Sheep


The Romneyis a large, dual purpose sheep producing strong, heavy wool and very good lambs, with a large proportion of twins. Crossed with other wool breeds the Romney will produce an ideal prime lamb mother with extremely good wool production. 

Carriage: the Romney is a well-balanced, stylish sheep with free movement.

Head: the head, carried high, should be expressive of quality, character, and gender. The forehead should be broad and level between the ears.  The ears should be of a good size, thick and felty /velvety and free of black spots. The poll should be wide and well covered with wool, free from kemp or gare. There should not be horns or scurrs as either are unacceptable.  The eyes should be large, bright and prominent, giving a look of alertness and vigour. The face should be full, and covered with a soft creamy, down hair (kemp), almost free of wool. The nostrils should preferably be broad, open and coal black. The jaw and muzzle should be wide and strong with teeth meeting the pad correctly.

Body: the neck should be strong and smooth and neatly joined at the shoulders and should be no longer than necessary to preserve the balance and symmetry of the animal. The shoulders should be well coupled and fit smoothly into the skeletal structure of the sheep.  The shoulder blades should fit neatly and must not be open or protrude above, or even reach the level of the spine. A flat heavy shoulder should be avoided.

Feet and Legs: the feet should be of a sufficient size, and so shaped, that the toes will open with the weight of the body and preferable be coal black, although streaky coloured hooves should not be disqualified. The pasterns should be strong and springy, and all the legs set at points of perfect balance. Legs should track squarely and straight – being neither bow-legged or knocked-kneed, post-legged or sickle-hocked. The cannon bone should be of sufficient length to maintain adequate height off the ground. Hocks should be strong and set well apart, straight hocks as with straight pasterns, are not acceptable.  Legs, below the wool line, should be covered with white hair, (kemp) brown or dark hair on the legs is unacceptable. 

Skin: skin should be a healthy pink, soft, thick and free of dark pigmentation.

Wool: a desirable feature of Romney is the wool can range 30 to 40 micron (44’s to 58’s) depending on individual strains of Romney. Each has its environmental place, its markets, and each should be grown to suit specific manufacturing needs and requirements. The fleece should be bright and white, dense with free opening well defined staples that are full and oval shaped, not flat. In addition to being white, semi lustrous and soft, it should have the necessary bulk and handle that is expected of wool of comparable micron. Uniformity of coverage is essential, and quality should be maintained from the shoulder to the back of the flank. A weak or open back is not typical of the breed and is not acceptable.







Dual purpose, wool and prime lamb sire: pure or crossed-bred lambs are of excellent carcass quality and mature early.




The wool is a demi-lustre of excellent quality and staple, highly suitable for the manufacture of cloths, blankets, knitting yarns and felts.


Conservation Status 2023 - Vulnerable

Number of registered flocks in Australia - 14

Number of registered ewes joined in 2022 - 653


For further information on Romney sheep

Australian Romney Association

Peter McDonald

"Grassbank", 199 Cooramook School Road

Grassmere, Victoria, 3281

Phone: 03 5565 4360, Mob: 0458 622 436



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